Monday, September 11, 2006

La cité des enfants perdus

by darmstaedter at 21:19

Well, this basically fulfils two goals:

First of all, it proves that I (and the rest too, by the way) survived the canoying with high5. Thanks Dwarf007, Chris and Ricardo for all the organisation: it was great!! Next time we do the advanced, and there WILL be a next time. I will post some photos as soon as possible.

Second, it serves as recommendation for one amazing (and a really dark) french movie (according to IMDB French-Spanish-German... egal) shown tomorrow at the Audi-Max by the ESOC Ciné-Club. Certainly a no miss! Ah, I forgot, it has English subtitles.

Dos cosillas:

Primero, sobrevivimos todos al descenso de cañones en Dornbirn con high5. Gracias a Dwarf007, Chris y Ricardo por la fantástica idea y toda la organización. Se salió! La próxima vez (que va a haber) hacemos el avanzado! Las fotos... en cuanto pueda las cuelgo.

Y segundo, recomendar una gran (y oscurisima) peli francesa (segun IMDB franco-hispano-germana... lo que sea) que echan mañana en el Audi-Max, organizado por el ESOC Ciné-Club. No os la podeis perder! Ah, me olvidaba, tiene subtítulos en inglés.


Blogger jaspercaesar said...

hi dan. you seem to be a cinephile. have you watched bertolucci's the dreamers? what do you think about that movie? i love films, too. can you suggest a good title i should watch? thanks.

12/9/06 11:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, it's a wonderfull movie (not only because it's french... ;-)
Anyway, all the Jean-Pierre Jeunet's movies are excellent (like Amélie Poulain, Delicatessen... Alien 4...)
Have fun watching it!

12/9/06 11:33  
Blogger darmstaedter said...

I'm not much of a cinephile, actually, although I love watching a nice movie. As for The Dreamers, have not seen it, but it cetainly looks interesting, so I have already asked a friend to borrow the DVD, thanks for the tip! Mmmhh, suggestions... would not know what to recommend, so I guess I would go for spanish cinema to make some homeland publicity. Some I liked in different genres: La comunidad, Airbag, Abre los ojos (10000 times better than Vanilla Skies), Lucia y el sexo, Te doy mis ojos, Los amantes del circulo polar... so many!!! From Almodovar a classical: Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios, but almost any other would do...

12/9/06 14:57  

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