Thursday, August 24, 2006

Pequeño error...

by Unknown at 08:43

Mañana de resaca veraniega en la redacción de un importante periódico:

- Marianoooo!!! Que tengo que ponerle una afoto al artículo este sobre Plutón!!!
- Pluqueee?
- Si hombre, esa cosa que los astrólogos están que si es planeta o no...
- Ahhh! Planeta, vale... Habé empezao por ahí. Pues tengo aquí una bien maja, con sus colorines y todo.
- Va venga, esa me vale, total, esto lo leen 4 chalaos... Mira que majo me a quedao

Y es que me publican como locos y luego pasa lo que pasa... Pluto at its greatest!
Para mí que Plutón ha crecido un poco... será para que no le quiten el ser planeta.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not quite understood everything. But I am still not sure now if we have 8 or 13 planets!
They said that Pluto is included in the group of the Plutos. With all the other planets recently discovered and even Charo its satellite. That said we should have 8 planets left...
Well not exactly. As I understood it, the Plutos are considered planets themselves, a strange kind and small planets, but nonetheless planet.
So shall we conclude that we have 8 big planets and a bunch of Plutos?

24/8/06 12:16  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry, it is a joke in spanish... but if you look to the footnote of the photo in the image you will see where the problem is. By the way, in the original article they have already changed the image.

25/8/06 08:38  
Blogger darmstaedter said...

Hehe, after seeing "Pluto at its largest", I wanted to share with you another image, to show that it is not only the spanish journalists that drink during working hours.
Behold the Atlantis Shuttle according to Stern, the screen capture (just in case they correct it), and the original news. The caption of the photo says something like "The Atlantis Shuttle before lift off to the ISS. Commander Brent Jett waves at the camera"!!!! XD XD XDDDDD
UPDATE: they have corrected the caption to "The pilots of the Atlantis Shuttle before lift off to the ISS. Commander Brent Jett waves at the camera from a T-38"... so they found out that was not the Atlantis. Good for them! but I have the screenshot, hehe

29/8/06 10:45  

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