Colina abajo!
by darmstaedter at 22:53
Resumen de la bajada: un cojo, dos luchando, un paraguas roto en un ataque frontal, uno con la ropa hecha un cristo, todos calados, pero todos descojonados, siguiendo una antorcha en medio de la lluvia nocturna, jejeje, David lo debió flipar llevándolos de vuelta a Darmstadt, yo por mi parte me quedé en Heidelberg (gracias Angela!!!) para continuar la marcha por las colinas al día siguiente.
Summary of the descent: one limping, two fighting, an umbrella broken in a frontal atack, one's clothes filthy, the rest soaked, but all convulsed with laughter, following a flaming torch in the middle of the night, hahaha, how was the drive back, David? I myself stayed in Heidelberg (thanks Angela!!) to continue the walk on the hills the day after.
Summary of the descent: one limping, two fighting, an umbrella broken in a frontal atack, one's clothes filthy, the rest soaked, but all convulsed with laughter, following a flaming torch in the middle of the night, hahaha, how was the drive back, David? I myself stayed in Heidelberg (thanks Angela!!) to continue the walk on the hills the day after.