by darmstaedter at 12:08
No, no estoy hablando de la película sobre el equipo de rugby perdido en los Andes, ni ninguno de nosotros se extravió en las cumbres del Zugspitze y tuvo que sobrevivir a base de líquenes... me refería a los "trocitos de crocanti" vivos que teníamos en nuestro delicioso postre de Apfelstrudel, crep, salsa de vainilla, y otros dulces varios... vivían, excepto los que se ahogaron en la vainilla. Lo peor es que tenía una pinta estupenda, y el postre que ofrecieron en substitución (helado) no era lo mismo.
If you were guessing this would be a post about the film with the rugby team lost in the Andes, you were completely wrong. And none of us was missed his/her way in the peaks of the Alps having to survive eating liquens (or something worse) either. I meant to talk about the tiny little living "crocant bits" that we had on top of our dessert with Apfelstrudel, crep, vanilla sauce and more... alive and kicking, except for the ones drowning in the sauce. The substitute dessert was certainly looking much less elaborate: just ice-cream.
If you were guessing this would be a post about the film with the rugby team lost in the Andes, you were completely wrong. And none of us was missed his/her way in the peaks of the Alps having to survive eating liquens (or something worse) either. I meant to talk about the tiny little living "crocant bits" that we had on top of our dessert with Apfelstrudel, crep, vanilla sauce and more... alive and kicking, except for the ones drowning in the sauce. The substitute dessert was certainly looking much less elaborate: just ice-cream.