Thursday, April 27, 2006

Tanz in der Mai

by darmstaedter at 14:56

For all those who are not planning to be at the Queen's birthday this weekend, or Iceland as other, there is a couple of great things to do around here! First Sunday night the Tanz in der Mai in Heidelberg, 12000 people (or so they said) were last year at the mountain of Heiligenberg to celebrate the Hexenfeuer (Witch fires?). One hour walking up the hill, and then fires, drums, dancing, juggling... you have never seen something like that (except if you were there another year). Anybody planning to go?

As for Monday the first of May (day after Witch's night) its is the Bergsträßer Weinlagenwanderung, just walking up and down along the paths of the Bergstrasse (if the weather allows), and tasting the different wines of the region!!

As always, forward around

Heiligenberg last year Don't play with matches


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad I'll miss it this time... but hey, I've been waiting for those pictures one whole year long, don't you have any better??? :-) I'll see you in July, dude - perhaps.

4/5/06 20:07  

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