Friday, September 09, 2005

Watzemussiggnacht 2005

by darmstaedter at 15:59
Reenvío el mail de David (más abajo en inglés), sobre un festival este sábado, en el barrio de Martinsviertel. Un buen plan para después del fútbol (los que jueguen). No lo he mirado, pero parece ser que son conciertos en vivo en varios pubs de la zona.

El link donde se puede ver de qué va es
Puede estar muy bien!
Nos vemos

----- Forwarded by Dan **** on 09/09/2005 13:47 -----
David ******

09/09/2005 13:07
     To:     ****Some names****
     cc:     ****Many more names****

Hi everyone,

I've seen a few notices around the area where I live talking about a festival or something similar which will take place in all pubs in this area. Aparently it will consist of live music concerts, many people and obviously beer. If you want to have a look at it:
The idea may be to come around there after the football tournament tomorrow evening, at about 8 or 9... So if you are not going to the football event, and are interested in join us, we could meet somewhere else, for instance Luisentplatz.

As you are used to do, spread the mail to everyone



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