Torneo volley playa ESOC'05
by darmstaedter at 18:40
Citando a Gigi, este fin de semana tuvo lugar el "fantástico torneo de volley" anual de ESOC. El único requisito para participar es formar un equipo de 4 personas, con al menos una chica. Aquí tenemos una foto de los ganadores del torneo 2005!! (de izda. a dcha.: Daniel, Rachel, Marcel y Miguel, no es coña con los nombres)
Last Sunday took place the traditional beachvolley tournament of ESOC, celebrated once a year. Above you can see a photo of the winners of this year tournament!! (from left to right: Daniel, Rachel, Marcel and Miguel, no kidding with the names)
Last Sunday took place the traditional beachvolley tournament of ESOC, celebrated once a year. Above you can see a photo of the winners of this year tournament!! (from left to right: Daniel, Rachel, Marcel and Miguel, no kidding with the names)