Saturday, September 17, 2005

Finally in Nachtcafe

by darmstaedter at 19:48
Last year we (Edu, JM, Conchi and me, yeah, when Edu was still to be seen out of ESOC) tried once to get into the N8cafe, disco-club in the center of DA, but after looking at us from tip to toe they told us it was a "private party", yeah, sure. So I kind of told myself not to go over there again. In Madrid I'd never go to a place where I would not be allowed inside unless I was wearing what they wanted.
But one year had passed so I decided to give it another try. Yesterday, after a few beers in some other bars in Darmstadt, got home, put some nice shirt on and went over to N8cafe. Ok, gotta recognize it was fun, the place looked good, it was full, we danced and laughted a lot, and at the end we paid what had been charged in our Nachtcafe electronic cards (!?)
However, I do not think they will see my face over there in a while, I guess it does not hurt once a year, but it still makes me mad they deciding what I wear.
Hace más de un año que no probaba a entrar en el Nachtcafe, una discoteca del centro. La última vez no debíamos de ir lo suficientemente pijos para ellos, porque nos miraron de arriba abajo y nos dijeron que lo sentían mucho pero la fiesta era privada. Bueno, que se le va a hacer, ellos se lo pierden. Por supuesto no volví a pasarme por allí.
Pero, nunca digas nunca jamás: este viernes hice el sacrificio de ponerme una camisa y zapatos, y darle otra oportunidad. Reconozco que el sitio está bien, estaba hasta arriba, bailamos un montón, nos reímos más y a la salida pagamos lo que nos habían ido cargando en la tarjeta electrónica que te dan al entrar.
Nos lo pasamos bien, pero tampoco creo que me pase en bastante tiempo otra vez: me sigue repateando que ellos decidan lo que me he de poner.


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