Saturday, December 17, 2005


by darmstaedter at 23:56
...are the number of hours -including the whole Friday night- that we spent on this bus to finally get to our hotel next to the Stubai Glacier!! Last 5 of which stuck in the lovely half tunnel in the middle of the Alps that you can see on the right (no, we are not moving in the picture, the picture is moved/blurry). Tunnel was only 8 km from our hotel!! Anyway we had lots of fun most fo the time, and as soon as we arrived at 9am at the hotel we had breakfast and went directly skiing!!! Bus, sweet bus Tunnel: behind the road safety guys
17 horitas pasamos en el autobús (de 16 a 9) de camino al glaciar Stubai en los Alpes, toda la noche en el bus, las últimas 5 horas bloqueados en un semitunel en medio de los alpes a solo 8 km del hotel!!!! (parece que nos movemos en la foto de la derecha, pero no, es la foto la que esta movida). Aun así, nos lo pasamos muy bien, y nada mas llegar desayunamos y nos fuimos directos a esquiar.


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